Berlin, October 2012
Bringing you these topics:
- WHS Welcome Ceremony
- Available Ticket Allocation
- Session Introduction: "Global Health Education: Preparing for Global Interdependencies"
- Media-Parntership Provides High-Class Video-Reports
- Update on our Keynote Speakers
World Health Summit Ceremony
Main Hall: October 21st, 19:00 - 20:30
On Sunday, October 21st, the World Health Summit launches its fourth edition. The World Health Summit Ceremony opens the conference with Welcome Messages and Keynote Lectures, including participation of:
Michael J. Klag
(President of the WHS 2012, Dean Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health / USA)
Detlev Ganten
(Founding President of the World Health Summit, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin / Germany)
Welcome Messages:
Annette Grüters-Kieslich
(Dean, Charité / Germany)
Klaus Wowereit
(Governing Mayor of Berlin / Germany)
Music Intermission
Keynote Lectures:
Daniel Bahr
(Minister of Health / Germany)
Marisol Touraine (tbc)
(Minister for Health and Social Affairs / France)
Sir Michael Marmot
(Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London / UK)
Available ticket allocation
Three weeks prior to the World Health Summit 2012, a small number of tickets is still available.
These tickets enable purchasers to attend all the WHS Sessions, Workshops, Keynote Lectures and some of the Satellite Meetings, not demanding a prior enrollment.
Register today and Share Your Experience with us!

Global Health Education: Preparing for Global Interdependencies
October 23rd, 14:30 - 16:00
We enter a dramatically changing world in which health of individuals and populations cannot be ensured by local or even national policies or actions. Health professionals must have a sufficient understanding of the complex interplays of all factors affecting the health of individual patients.
The purpose of this symposium is to present and discuss the 21st century challenges posed by complex interdependencies affecting health worldwide and their consequences for education and training of health staff at medical faculties.
Questions to be considered include: What are the challenges today’s students face when finished with their studies? What do we need to teach the future health workforce? Do we provide the right skills to understand their complexity of factor causing disease, reaching from genetics, to bugs and to social determinants?

The symposium, hosted by the European Academic Global Health Alliance, will consist of a series of short presentations, followed by responses from students and a panel discussion.
Peter Tinnemann
(Charité, EAGAH / Germany)
Núria Casamitjana Badia
(Institute for Global Health of Barcelona, EAGAH / Spain)
Rüdiger Krech
(World Health Organisation / Switzerland)
Anita Berlin
(University College London / UK)
Annelies Wilder-Smith
(Director of Teaching, Institute of Public Health University of Heidelberg / Germany)
Maximilian De Courten
(Professor Global Public Health, Copenhagen University / Denmark)
Renzo Guinto
(International Federation of Medical Students Association / Philippines)
Panel Discussion
To offer results even after the World Health Summit, the European Academic Global Health Alliance formulated a “Global Health Declaration”. The declaration - under the motto "The future we want needs to be invented; otherwise we will get one we don't want." (Joseph Beuys) - is available online and open for discussion. Read the students’ argumentation >>>
More information on the program is available in our Online Session Planner >>>
High-class video-reports available
The World Health Summit is proud to announce a new media-partnership with German based international broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
“As part of its statutory mission, DW works independently to present events and developments in Germany and the world and picks up on German and other points of view on important issues. It promotes exchange and understanding between the world's cultures and people.” (via:
Hence, Deutsche Welle perfectly suits the mission of the M8 Alliance and the World Health Summit.
As first step of the cooperation, DW kindly provided the WHS with some high-class video reports on suiting topics like:
- High-Tech-OP: Simulations and Speaking Skulls
- Vertical Farming: The Future of Urban Nourishment
- Generation Facebook: Science in Social Networks
- Portrait of Prof. Stefan Kaufmann (Charité) and His Fight Against TBC
These are some of the videos available in our online video section >>>
Keynote Speakers
We are happy to welcome a new guest of the World Health Summit 2012: Hon. Rev. Dr. John Seakgosing, Minister of Health, Botswana. He joins Sir Michael Marmot, Laurie Garrett, and many more as Keynote Speaker:
Hon. Rev. Dr. John G. N. Seakgosing
Minister of Health of the Republic of Botswana.
John Seakgosing is a Minister of Religion (Reverend) and a Doctor of Medicine by profession – a qualification he attained in Russia, Moscow in 1973. He is a Member of Parliament for Kweneng South Constituency since October 2009 to date.
John Seakgosing has been actively involved in politics and was nominated a Councillor in Francistown in 1994 to 1999. He has worked in Jubilee and Princess Marina Hospitals. From 1963 to 1966, John Seakgosing worked as an Executive Assistant in the Office of the President in Zambia. He has also worked as a Private Practitioner in Francistown.
He has volunteered his professional services and represented Botswana Red Cross Society under the auspices of the International Committee of Red Cross in Iraq in 1991 and spearheaded and established the Botswana Red Cross Society Division Relief Project called Tshimologo Stimulation Centre for the Disabled Children.
Hon. Rev. Dr. John G. N. Seakgosing will hold a Keynote Lecture on Tuesday, October 23rd, 11:15 - 12:15..
Laurie Garrett
Laurie Garrett is a science journalist, writer of two bestselling books and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism in 1996.
Laurie Garrett wrote her first bestselling book, “THE COMING PLAGUE: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance”, while splitting her time between the Harvard School of Public Health and the New York newspaper, Newsday. The book was published in 1994, and spent 19 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.
During the 1990s Garrett continued tracking outbreaks and epidemics worldwide, noting the insufficient responses from global public health institutions in Zaire, India, Russia and most of the former USSR, Eastern Europe, and the United States. This resulted in publication in 2000 of “BETRAYAL OF TRUST: The Collapse of Global Public Health”.
In Summer 2011, Garrett’s third book, “I HEARD THE SIRENS SCREAM: How Americans Responded to the 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks”, was published in time for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.
Laurie Garrett will hold a Keynote Speech on October 22nd, 11:15 - 12:15.
Sir Michael G. Marmot
Director, UCL Institute of Health Equity (Marmot Institute)
Sir Michael Marmot has led a research group on health inequalities for 35 years. He is Principal Investigator of the Whitehall II Studies of British Civil Servants, investigating explanations for the striking inverse social gradient in morbidity and mortality. He leads the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and is engaged in several international research efforts on the social determinants of health.
He was a member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution for six years, and served as President of the British Medical Association (BMA) in 2010 - 2011. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, an Honorary Fellow of the British Academy, and an Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians.
In 2000 he was knighted by Her Majesty The Queen, for services to Epidemiology and the understanding of health inequalities. Internationally acclaimed, Professor Marmot is a Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and a former Vice President of the Academia Europaea. He won the Balzan Prize for Epidemiology in 2004, gave the Harveian Oration in 2006, and won the William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research in 2008.
Sir Michael G. Marmot will hold a Keynote Speech on October 21st during the World Health Summit Ceremony.
Information on many more Keynote Speakers and high-ranking guests is available on our website >>>
See you at the World Health Summit 2012!
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