Berlin, October 2013
Bringing you these topics:
- Speaker Update: Hanny-Sherry Ayitey, Guido Westerwelle, Daniel Bahr, and many more
- WHS Ceremony
- Focus on the Program: Keynote Lectures
- Final Program Available Online
- Satellite Events
- Follow the World Heath Summit 2013 in Real-Time
Speaker Update: Hanny-Sherry Ayitey, Guido Westerwelle, Daniel Bahr
In a few days, the World Health Summit will welcome you to discuss the most pressing health challenges worldwide. With us will be experts from all involved sectors, including high-ranking politicians like the recently confirmed:
- Hanny-Sherry Ayitey (Minister Of Health, Ghana)
- Daniel Bahr (Minister Of Health, Germany)
- Guido Westerwelle (Foreign Minister, Germany)
- Ali Hyasat (Minister of Health, Jordania)
Please follow this link for an <link the-summit speakers speakers-2013.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>updated list of speakers >>>
WHS Ceremony
The WHS Ceremony is one of the highlights of the World Health Summit's first day.
Keynote Lectures
The Keynote Lectures structure the WHS program and are organized in alliance with the four thematic tracks. You are cordially invited to attend these sessions, chaired and moderated by high-ranking participants:
October 20
- WHS Opening Session (11:00-12:00)
- World Health Summit Ceremony (19:00-20:30)
October 21
- Global Health for Development (10:15-11:45)
- Education and Leadership for Health (13:00-14:30)
October 22
- Future of Health Research (10:15-11:45)
- Executive Summary and Outlook to São Paulo (13:00-14:30)

Final Program Available Online
Sessions, speakers, details, venue plan, FAQ, and much, much more are being summarized in the WHS Program. Prior to distributing the printed version on site, you are able to access it online.
Personal welcome messages of Angela Merkel, François Hollande, José Manuel Barroso, the Charité - Universitäts-medizin Berlin and the WHS Presidents will bid you welcome, before a wealth of information addresses topics and last open questions.
Please follow this link to access and download the <media 5228 _blank external-link-new-window>WHS Program >>></media>
Satellite Meetings
We are happy to introduce to you a colorful program of satellite events, accompanying the World Health Summit 2013. Its topics range from "Health Economy in Brazil and Germany" to the "International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development" and "Challenges of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery in the Emerging Economies". Some of the many highlights are:
Tuberculosis out of Control – Strategies to Fight Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Open to all
October 21, 17-19h
Health Economy in Brazil and Germany: Opportunities and Challenges
Open to all
October 21, 2013, 12:00 - 13:30
11th International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development: 'Youth and Employment – Realizing the demographic dividend'
Open to participants of the International Dialogue
October 22 - 23, 2013
Public Panel Discussion: The female face of youth employment
Open to all
October 23, 2013, 18:00 – 20:00
Challenges of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery in the Emerging Economies / Pan-African Global Forum 2013
Open to all registered WHS participants
October 23, 2013
Health, Agriculture and the Tangled Politics of Development
Open to all, prior online-registration requested
October 23, 2013, 18:30 - 19:45 / Free reception follows
Follow this link to find all details on the <link the-summit program satellite-meetings.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Satellite Events >>>
Follow the World Heath Summit 2013 in Real-Time
If you are not able to attend the World Health Summit 2013, you can follow it and participate in real-time via our digital outlets:
Keynote Lectures will be streamed live onto our website. Please visit to watch the livestreams.
(Please note: Bandwidth-limitations may cause occasional irregularities in the stream. In this case, please reload the page a little later again.)
You can join the discussion through your Twitter-accout, using the conference-hashtag #WHS13. All tweets will be displayed via a Twitterwall on our website.
In addition, you can find updated pictures and quotes on our Facebook-Page. Leave a comment and become a part of the community!
World Health Summit 2013
October 20 - 22
Federal Foreign Office Berlin
Academic Office
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 117
Fax: +49 30 450 570 911
Media & Communication
Tobias Gerber, Daniela Levy
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 114
Organizing Secretariat
K.I.T. Group
Association & Conference Management
Kurfürstendamm 71
10709 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 246 03 240
Fax: +49 30 246 03 200
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