World Health Summit 2015
Federal Foreign Office
Unterwasserstraße 10
10117 Berlin, Germany
August 2015
Bringing you updates on these topics:
- Welcome Messages of our High Patrons
- Program Introduction: Panel Discussions
- Speaker Update
- WHS Program Planner
- WHS Startup Track: Deadline Extended
- WHS Science & Industry Circle
- Meet our Partners: Media
- Ambassador Briefing at the Japanese Embassy
- News from the M8 Alliance
Welcome Messages of our High Patrons
Angela Merkel

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
François Hollande

President of the French Republic
Jean-Claude Juncker

President of the European Commission
"...The World Health Summit is an excellent venue for expert discussion on the health topics that move us worldwide. We can expect it to deliver valuable input, also as regards the G7 objectives and the post 2015 agenda for sustainable development. ..."
"...We have witnessed this solidarity in recent months, when the Ebola virus once against struck West Africa. To be effective, this solidarity must be based on exchanges and shared knowledge and experiences. ..."
"...As President of the European Commission, I am convinced that, by working together in a focused way on certain health-related issues, we can ensure longer, richer lives for the citizens of Europe and the world. ..."
Read the entire Welcome Message in English and German >>>
Read the entire Welcome Message in English and French >>>
Read the entire Welcome Message in English >>>

Program Introduction: Panel Discussions
NCDs: A call for Common Action
Tuesday, October 13
Panel Discussion
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in the world, representing 63% of all annual deaths. NCDs kill more than 36 million people per year and 80% of all NCD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. The four main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory and diabetes. In industrialized countries cardio-metabolic mortality is still heading the rankings whereas in developing countries there is now a frightening increase of its importance. Changes in nutrition, better hygiene and social conditions require new approaches to address this threat. Increased efforts of all partners from science, politics, industry and civil society are needed to better manage this burden because no partner in global healthcare will be able to master the tremendous challenge alone.
This session is to plead that all partners have to contribute. In a well-coordinated joint effort there is much better chance to succeed.
Further Panel Discussions
Antimicrobial Resistance
Monday, October 12
Speakers include:
- Dame Sally Davies
(Chief Medical Officer, England)
- Ada Yonath
(Nobel Prize laureate, Israel)
- Marie-Paule Kieny
(WHO Assistant Director-General)
- BT Slingsby
(CEO, Exec. Director, GHIT Fund)
Value-Based Healthcare
Monday, October 12
Speakers include:
- Mark Dybul
(Exec. Director, The Global Fund)
- Melvin Samsom
(CEO, Karolinska Institutet
University Hospital)
- Christina Rångemark Åkerman
(President, ICHOM)
Ebola: Assessment, Treatment and Prevention
Tuesday, October 13
Speakers include:
- Florian Westphal
(General Director, MSF Germany)
- Ilona Kickbusch
(Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland)
- Wim Leereveld
(CEO, Founder, Access to Medicine)
- Amy Maxmen
(Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, USA)
Please follow this link for a comprehensive program overview >>>
Speaker Update
(Picture (c) by WHO)
Margaret Chan
Director-General, WHO
Trained at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, Margaret Chan joined the Hong Kong Department of Health in 1978, where her career in public health began. In 1994, she was appointed Director of Health of Hong Kong. In 2003, she joined WHO as Director of the Department for Protection of the Human Environment. In 2006, she was elected to the post of Director-General.
(Picture (c) by WHS)
Hermann Gröhe
Federal Minister of Health, Germany
Hermann Gröhe, a licenced lawyer, has held a seat in the German Bundestag since 1994. He was a spokesperson for human rights and humanitarian assistance in the Bundestag and acted as legal counsel to the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. He served one year as a Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor, was the CDU Secretary-General, and was appointed Federal Minister of Health in 2013.
(Picture (c) by Gavi)
Dagfinn Høybråten
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Chair of the Board, Norway
Dagfinn Høybråten guides the public private partnership in its fight to ensure equitable access to vaccines for all the world’s children. Trained in political science, he was Vice President of the Norwegian Parliament, Minister of Health, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, and took up the position as Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2013.
Please follow this link for a comprehensive list of speakers >>>
WHS Program Planner
The freshly launched WHS Program Planer offers you detailed insight into all keynotes, panel discussions and workshops of the World Health Summit 2015!
- What will the session agendas be?
- Who are the speakers?
Make the best of your WHS 2015 attendance and be informed in advance on all sessions suiting your interests.
WHS Program Planner 2015 >>>
WHS Startup Track: Deadline Extended
Innovation is the driving force for improving human wellbeing. To support fresh ideas, we will give a voice to promising startups in the field of global health. The “WHS Startup Track” offers participants the chance to display their business ideas and to network with the world’s leading minds in the healthcare sector.
Extended application deadline: August 10, 2015
Apply to present your concept in October >>>
WHS Science & Industry Circle
The World Health Summit (WHS) emphasizes the necessity of a close cooperation between academia, politics, civil society, the private sector and the industry to improve global health. Open and transparent cooperation between these partners is the key to sustainable development and success.
Life Sciences and Health Economy are essential for enhancing and strengthening health systems by accelerating the result-oriented translation from basic research to bedside to populations.
To foster this cooperation, the WHS Science & Industry Circle was jointly launched in June 2015 by the World Health Summit, the German Healthcare Partnership and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. It aims to:
- intensify the dialogue between science and economy on an international level
- activate and establish national and international networks
- improve structures and processes through translational and applied sciences that lead to market-ready products.
Find out more about topics, impact and means of participation on the WHS Science & Industry Circle >>>
Meet our Partners: Media
The World Health Summit is proudly supported by international quality media, including:
Ambassador Briefing at the Japanese Embassy
On July 15, 2015, his eminence Ambassador Takeshi Nakane hosted an exclusive meeting of Ambassadors from countries represented in the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. Together they discussed ways of intensifying the cooperation and support from their countries and networks to pursue the shared vision of improving health worldwide.
The wonderful event and its very promising outcomes would not have been possible without the generous support of the Embassy of Japan in Berlin, Germany.
(Picture (c) by Embassy of Japan)
News from the M8 Alliance: Successful "Winter School" at the FMUSP
52 students from 18 countries attended the first international Medical Winter School at the University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP), held from July 13-24, 2015. They enjoyed a series of comprehensive two-week courses on 5 different topics tailored for students from various backgrounds, including college students to post-doc fellows. Professors of the FMUSP and physicians from the Hospital das Clinicas participated in the Winter School, gave lectures and heard the students’ opinions and experiences with the purpose to channel them back into the FMUSP system.
WHS Foundation GmbH
World Health Summit
c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 102
Fax: +49 30 450 570 911
Media & Communication
Tobias Gerber, Daniela Levy
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 114
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