WHS Geneva Meeting 2016
April 2016
Bringing you updates on these topics:
WHS Geneva Meeting 2016
- Speaker Update
- Program Highlights
- Registration
World Health Summit 2016
- Calls for Applications:
"WHS Startup Track"
"New Voices in Global Health"
"Young Physician Leaders"
- Speakers and Central Topics
WHS Community Bulletin
- WHS Science & Industry Circle: Successful Strategy Meeting
- 9th Charité Entrepreneurship Summit: Exclusive Ticket-Offer
- Club of Rome and WHS Establish Partnership
WHS Geneva Meeting 2016
Date: April 19-21, 2016
Theme: “Global Health: Sustainable and Affordable Innovation in Healthcare”
Venue: Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), Switzerland
Since it was launched 10 years ago, the Geneva Health Forum (GHF) has become a space for dialogue and major exchanges between field practitioners, university hospitals, the public and private sector, international organizations and NGOs.
In 2016, several sessions of the GHF will be designed in collaboration with the World Health Summit and the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. Faithful to the GHF spirit, the WHS Geneva Meeting will offer the opportunity to have an open and constructive debate on innovation in healthcare.
All the sessions will be simultaneously translated into French and English.
Steering Committee
Antoine Flahault
WHS President
Director, Institute of Global Health
University of Geneva
Antoine Geissbuhler
Director, Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, University of Geneva
Claudine Mathieu Thiébaud
Director, External Affairs Directorate, University Hospitals of Geneva
Nicole Rosset
Deputy Director, External Affairs Directorate, University Hospitals of Geneva
Speakers Include
Program Highlights
Keep an eye out for these special sessions in the exciting GHF program:
April 19: Chikungunya and Zika Virus Infections as Global Public Health Challenges
Hosted by: University of São Paulo
April 19: Innovative Education in Medical Schools
Hosted by: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
April 19: Accelerating the Implementation of the SDG Agenda on Global Health
Hosted by: Graduate Institute Geneva
April 20: Innovative Solutions for Migrations and Health
Hosted by: University of Montreal
April 21: Innovation Funding, Research and Development
Hosted by: University of Geneva
(c) Julien Gregorio/Phovea/Hug
April 21: Medical Education: Quality and Internationalization
Hosted by: Monash University
Further information on the GHF2016 program >>>
Several interesting ticket offers for the WHS Geneva Meeting 2016 are available, including specials for participants from Low/Middle Income Countries (based on the "World Bank List") and students.
Follow this link for all information on prices and registration >>>
World Health Summit 2016
Berlin, October 09-11
Calls for Applications
WHS Startup Track
We are looking for outstanding ideas and innovative business concepts that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve Global Health. The winner will receive coaching sessions with experts, and is granted special access to potential scientific and business advisors in the international WHS network and among members of the M8 Alliance.
Young entrepreneurs may apply until June 30, 2016.
Please follow this link for further information on the WHS Startup Track 2016 >>>
New Voices in Global Health
The New Voices in Global Health initiative promotes the active participation of young scientists in the World Health Summit. Selected candidates will present their work in a special poster exhibition during the conference and profit from its strong international network.
Applications can be sent in until June 30, 2016, via an online application form.
Please follow this link to access all information on the New Voices in Global Health 2016 >>>
Young Physician Leaders
In the IAP for Health program Young Physician Leaders (YPL), top young professionals are being trained at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in special leadership programs and will attend the World Health Summit.
In 2016, the WHS will place up to five candidates to participate in this unique network.
Please follow this link for further information on the application >>>
Speakers Include:
Hermann Gröhe
Federal Minister of Health, Germany
Marisol Touraine
Minister of Social Affairs and Health, France
Wolfgang Ischinger
Chairman, Munich Security Conference, Germany
Hélène Boisjoly
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada
Erwin Böttinger
CEO, Berlin Institute of Health, Germany
Philippe Douste-Blazy
Chairman of the Executive Board, UNITAID, France
Further speaker information >>>
Central Topics:
Migration and Refugee Health:
From Care to Policy
Technological Innovation for Health:
Improving Healthcare Delivery
Women, Empowerment and Health:
Equality and Agency
Translational Research:
Advancing Innovative Treatment
Infectious Diseases:
Lessons Learned from Ebola to Zika
Sustainable Development Goals:
Transforming the Health Agenda
Further information on the the program >>>
WHS Community Bulletin
WHS Science & Industry Circle: Successful Strategy Meeting
How can we accelerate translation from basic research to bedside to populations? The WHS Science & Industry Circle is working to find answers to questions like this. In its latest strategy meeting, three thematic pillars were outlined: that world health is demand-driven, that healthcare quality should be provided at levels that are high, assured and consistent, and that healthcare provision should aim at low cost and low complexity.
These convictions are being translated into active working groups on topics like:
1: Translation: Science – Technology – Products
2: High Tech, Low Complexity: Cost-Effective Medical Technologies & Diagnostics
3: Digital Health
4: Strategies for Sustainable Strengthening of Health Systems
5: Public Private Partnerships in Life Science Research
The WHS Science & Industry Circle is open to stakeholders from the international health sector, as well as those from science, research and technology transfer organizations. If you are interested in joining, please don’t hesitate to get in touch >>>
9th Charité Entrepreneurship Summit: Exclusive Ticket-Offer
Rethink & Transform Healthcare
Berlin, May 26-27, 2016
As a subscriber to the WHS Newsletter, you are invited to attend this year’s Charité Entrepreneurship Summit at a 25% discount rate to discuss topics like:
- Digital Health Transformation
- Open Innovation
- Value-based Health Care
- The Science of Aging & Genome Engineering
Just enter the code CES2016PARTNER during the registration process >>>
Club of Rome and WHS Establish Partnership
The Club of Rome and the World Health Summit share the conviction that all relevant disciplines and sectors must cooperate to develop synergies and innovations to improve wellbeing worldwide.
Accordingly, this collaboration is especially aimed at the two partners assisting and supporting one another with knowledge transfer and access to their respective well-established networks. The first outcome of this cooperation will be a thematic collaboration at the World Health Summit 2016 (October 09-11) in Berlin.
The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 as an informal association of independent leading personalities from politics, business and science - men and women who are long-term thinkers interested in contributing in a systemic interdisciplinary and holistic manner to a better world.
WHS Foundation GmbH
World Health Summit
c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 102
Fax: +49 30 450 570 911
Media & Communication
Tobias Gerber, Daniela Levy
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 114
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