1. Brief History
In 2013, the World Federation of Academic Institutions for Global Health (WFAIGH) was launched as a global platform for an academic voice to influence policies on health and global governance mechanisms, to promote methodological development and research, and to share good practices in capacity building and educational innovations.
2. Key Facts
Network of health academic institutions
The WFAIGH is led by Leonel Valdivia, Professor of Global Health & Director of International Relations, School of Public Health, University of Chile.
It consists of several committees and working groups, including:
- Executive Committee
- By-Laws Committee
- Finance Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Education Committee
- Technology Committee
Karla Cifuentes, Secretariat Manager 1 (Chile)
Marian Offei, Secretariat Manager 2 (Africa)
3. Research
Focus / Key Aspects:
- Forum for exchange of views on relevant issues
- Inform policies on global health issues
- To build a global community of health academic institutions that promotes and implements trans-national and inter-regional collaboration in Global Health research and education and enhances the role of academic institutions in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda;
- To develop equitable partnerships to advance training, education and research in Global Health, developing and disseminating good practices generated through such partnerships;
- To support efforts to achieve Universal Health Coverage through education, research and development of evidence-informed policies;
- To forge collaboration between health and other disciplines and sectors such as veterinary medicine, agricultural sciences, ecology and environmental sciences, water and sanitation, architecture and urban planning, with the intention of promoting integration of health into research and policies of those sectors;
- To generate better research evidence on the health implications of policies relating to international cooperation and governance, world trade, global environmental changes and food security and to promote the integration of evidence-based health priorities and concerns into these policies;
- To promote education and training of the professional workforce about public and global health issues and to achieve standards and credentials with cross-nation credibility.
4. Partnerships and Programs
- The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH), USA
- The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
- The European Academic Global Health Alliance (EAGHA)
- Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH)
- The Latin American Alliance for Global Health (ALASAG)
- The Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa (ASPHA)
- The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
- Network of Institutions for Higher Education in International Health (tropED)
- The Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health (FESTMIH)
The WFAIGH convenes a Regular World Meeting every other year. This includes a meeting of the Assembly, the Executive Committee, other WFAIGH Committees and Working Groups, and a Scientific Meeting.
Student Programs:
Affiliated networks regularly develop special activities for students and invite them to participate in their annual meetings and conferences.
5. Trivia
The WFAIGH was formally launched at the World Health Summit in Berlin, October 2013.
6. Useful Links
Social Media: